Monday, 24 August 2015

Twenty sixth.

     She had found it cute, the way he covered his phone with his hand, the moment she walked in to sit besides her. She smiled. He knew she already knew. His plans for her birthday next month. Next month, till when they would have fought a thousand times more. And realised how much more she had wanted him every single time. She wondered whether he felt the same for her. He made her want to live this same life over and over again.
     The terrace cafe was giving out a great ambience. She looked up at the night sky. It was darker. On every fifteenth day the moon doesn't show up, and yet, the sun doesn't hurt itself. It is only the heart that feels forlorn. But even in its absence, the sun is aware of the moon. It always knows when its time to rise. And ensure a bright day. Mistakes can be very much relative. What matters is being ready to resolve all the issues. It always felt very much secure with him. The way the sun must now be feeling about the moon. She asked for his hand in hers.
     He was looking into her eyes. Maybe he wanted to be seeing her forever. She looked down. He wasn't hiding his phone and his birthday plans from her. But her name written on his hand. In black ink. Probably at some insane, unconscious moment. He smiled. She knew he already knew. About his daydreams that were being woven around her love. At this moment and till the end of the times.

1 comment:

  1. Better than most of the writers around..������
