Thursday, 24 December 2015


How much strong do your promises hold?
Higher than the mountains cold,
Or a sharp ambitious blade of grass
But standing merely in a collapsing fold.

I have wiped clean each of my slate,
Detour from fate has just begun to fade,
Make your moments promise worth all this wait.

Thursday, 10 December 2015


Take my dark
And fight with the light,
I'll be sleeping
My dreams held tight.
I hide my flaws in the deepest colours,
Fabricating those perfections
For the sake of being praised;
But I am hiding deep down,
I'm hiding the best of me;
Fearing the feeling
Of being taken for granted.
I am nothing different,
I am one among the many;
In my heart I aim for the stars,
But fear all places unlit and shady.
I have a heartbeat that defines me though,
Strong enough to bear the brunt
Of every damaging incompassionate flow.